The new Zwift "Meetup" function does not allow much in the way of notes or description, so we are using this page to help share more details.


Next ride: Saturday Feb 6, 2021 8:30AM - No Drop ride

Endurance builder ride - up to 3+ hours.

Stay for as long or as little as you like.  We will be trying out the new "Keep Everyone Together" feature so we will ride as a group even with our different power outputs. 

These rides are by Zwift meetup invitation.  If you are not already, follow rider "Les Eisenberg (Tryon Bike)"  Zwift does not yet allow us to post a ride publicly.

Email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or pm Les to be added to group invite.


Some notes about the current software nuances: start up Zwift a few minutes early to make sure you connect properly and take care of any updates. However the meetup does not put you into the group until only a few minutes before the start.  This is different from the scheduled workouts that let you get into the group as early as you like - do not panic, just start your warm up.  Meetup does NOT allow late join, so get connected early if you can.


Zwift group chat is a bit problematic.  It is not exclusive to people in the meetup so we see other people's chats if they are nearby.  As well, if you are not near other group members you cannot see their texts. This is a real hindrance to heckling.  It can also be a challenge to text while riding. So, the solution is group talk on Discord!  This works great. See details below.


Since we are all different levels, it can be tough knowing where others are if we are not doing a "Keep Together" ride.  Zwift has not yet figured out how to just show people in the group. Good news - another solution!  Use ZwiftGPS!  Works great and shows you where everyone else who you follow on Zwift is in real time, as well as their current W/KG range.  See below for instructions.  Take a few minutes to set this up the day before your next group ride to work out any connection issues (can use this anytime, but most useful for groups)




To make it easier to see who is in the group select the Basic 4 Kit.  It is the blue checkered one. Add in "(Tryon Bike)" after your user name.  You can change it back after the ride if you like.



Discord voice is preferred for in-ride communication and heckling (heckling is highly encouraged)

You can download the free Discord program or app for your PC, Android or Apple phone.

A tutorial on how to install and use it here: Talk to me

Our Discord server is

Use "push to talk" feature so we minimize background panting and cursing.


Bonus feature - you can listen to your own music on discord and only you will hear it, but you can still hear everyone else. 

However the app sends the music through the discord server before it comes back to you, so the sound quality is not as good as you may be used to.



See where all your friends are in real-time.  ALSO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Check details here: Where are you?.

Make sure you follow instruction closely as there are a couple of unusual set-up steps, including finding your Zwift ID number. 


Need help with any set-up issues?  Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thanks for riding with Tryon Bike!

 (gratuitous dog pic just because)




Friday the 14th. Tryon Bike 150 N. Winton Road Rochester Ny .